What's the Buzz with ATTTA!
All About Queens
What does it cost to raise your own queens? The answer to that question can be found in a recently published paper from ATTTA. A pan-Canadian study on the economics of queen rearing is hot off the press and you can read it here: Honey Bee Queen Production: Canadian Costing Case Study and Profitability Analysis
If you are thinking about raising queens in your own commercial operation the ATTTA team can help. We have information and hands-on support available to guide you along, please contact us directly. 🖁
Murder Hornets
Need to know more about the Asian Giant Hornet? Not an immediate problem for Atlantic Canadian beekeepers but head to our website Perennia Honey Bees to check out our brand new fact sheet with all the information.
According to the government of Canada's Drought Monitor, parts of the Maritimes are already showing 'abnormally dry' to 'moderate drought' conditions. See image below from the Drought Assessment website showing our area or click to go directly to the interactive map. Check our website often as ATTTA has prepared a fact sheet, How
Drought Conditions in the Maritimes can Impact Honey Bees, available soon!