Blueberries are the number one exported Canadian fruit crop and
they contributed $270 million to our economy in 2019. Wild blueberries only grow in our region of eastern
North America, with commercial production in four provinces combining to make Canada
the largest producer in the world. The wild blueberry industry and the honey bee
industry are inseparable with the Maritime region demanding upwards of 60 thousand
hives for pollination annually! Now that
the dust is settling on this year’s blueberry season, we have asked our provincial
experts for an update.
Prince Edward Island
The 2020 yield for wild blueberries on PEI was 18,564,976
pounds. With an estimated 6,500 acres having been harvested this year. The average yield per acre was approximately
2,860 lbs. Prices to producers are
currently as high as $0.70/ lb which is a positive improvement over last
season. In order to achieve pollination
for the 2020 crop, PEI imported 5,237 hives, largely from Ontario, with local
PEI beekeepers suppling an estimated 4,750 hives. This would indicate an
average stocking density across the Island of approximately 1.5 hives per acre.
This is up from both 2018 and 2019, whose average stocking densities were 1.0
and 1.2 hives/ acre, respectively. This
has meant an almost doubling in the number of imported hives each year since
2018. The number of local hives has not
changed significantly during the same time period. Cameron Menzies, Berry Crop Development
Officer and Provincial Apiarist, stated that he expects that with the higher
blueberry price and the trend of increasing imports we've seen the last few
years, demand for hive importation in 2021 will be strong, matching 2020's
demand or exceeding it. That would mean perhaps
6,000 imported hives or more.
Cameron Menzies, Berry Crop Development Officer / Provincial
Agriculture and Land Agriculture Industry Development
Nova Scotia
Hugh Lyu, Nova Scotia Wild Blueberry Specialist
Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc.
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