What's the Buzz with ATTTA # 4 All about Chasing the Buzz, hive stocking density,

Thursday 2 July 2020

Chasing the Buzz: Attracting New Beekeepers to the Hive

Issue Cover
An article by Robyn McCallum, Chasing the Buzz: Attracting New Beekeepers to the Hive, was recently published in American Entomologist journal. This article focuses on welcoming new entrants to beekeeping, mentorship, entrepreneurship and more! If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper, becoming a mentor, or know someone who would like to get into beekeeping, this article will help you get started. Abstract:https://academic.oup.com/ae/article-abstract/66/2/20/5860677

Full Article:

Stocking Density Report
Wild blueberry pollination has come to an end and the weather cooperated in the high number of fly days for the bees. Check out this fact sheet on what the ATTTA found about hive stocking density in blueberry fields during pollination. This research might give you some answers when creating a pollination plan whether you are a beekeeper or a blueberry grower. This fact sheet is also available on our website in both English and French.


Coming soon...
Stay tuned next week for information on tick safety in the bee yard, .....
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