Local Vs Offshore Queens
The Atlantic Tech Transfer Team for Apiculture has worked with beekeepers during the last three seasons to support the production of local queens. There is now a small, but growing, number of beekeepers from the Atlantic regions producing and using locally reared queens. The hope is to reduce the reliance on offshore queens, financially support our own industry and improve successes with locally adapted queens. Through ongoing applied research, ATTTA aims to compare Californian queens with queens grafted from local colonies. Both a local and offshore group of queens will be followed through this season and into next spring, comparing colony build up, overwintering success, brood pattern and temperament. It is intended that this work will help more beekeepers in our region move toward becoming self-sufficient in queen production.
Beekeepers are at risk for tick-born illness!
Figure: The numbers of probable, confirmed and incidence of reported Lyme disease cases by province of residence in Canada, 2016 (Statistics Canada).

Connecting with ATTTA Specialists
If you’d like to connect with ATTTA specialists or learn more about our program, you can:
· Visit our website at https://www.perennia.ca/portfolio-items/honey-bees/
· Read The Root newsletter through Perennia at https://us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=642ec925a6b70139cd668d4b0&id=0e9b713521
· Call our Truro office at (902) 896-0277
· Email abyers@perennia.ca
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