Swarm Prevention Techniques
A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly! Some beekeepers may not agree with this and will find a place for bee swarms no matter the month. However, it is that time of year when bee colonies are building up and the tendency for swarming increases. There are techniques beekeepers can employ to reduce the risk of swarming. Check out this ATTTA fact sheet for ideas to prevent swarming.
Prince Edward Island Wintering Losses: Lowest in Years!
Prince Edward Island beekeepers lost over half (54.1%) of their colonies in the
winter of 2018/19. The preceding two years
had over 40% losses reported in the Canadian Association of Professional
Apiculturists (CAPA) Statement on Honey Bee Wintering Losses in Canada. Last year, in response to these high losses PEI
beekeepers, along with ATTTA, organized and attended specific workshops,
farm visits and general extension to improve winter preparation and fall
management. Improved fall management
practices, combined with favorable winter weather, have resulted in the most
successful winter for PEI beekeepers since 2010 and second best winter since these records began. Cameron Menzies,
the PEI provincial apiarist commented, ‘this improvement in winter loss is a
significant accomplishment for the Island’s beekeeping industry, especially
considering the high reported losses of the past. These successes will have an impact on the
number and quality of bees available for pollination and help our beekeepers in
growing the pollination capacity of the Island’. The full CAPA report on national wintering
losses will be out soon but this is a great outcome for PEI beekeeping
Tick Safety in the Beeyard
ATTTA has just released the newest fact sheet about tick safety. Check out the link below, also available on our website. Bishop's University developed a free app (etick) you can download on your mobile device where photos can be uploaded for tick identification. This is part of a citizen science project that invites the public to participate in the monitoring of ticks in Canada. You can find out more information about this project on etick.ca.
Connecting with ATTTA Specialists
If you’d like to connect with ATTTA specialists or learn more about our program, you can:
· Read The Root newsletter through Perennia at https://us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=642ec925a6b70139cd668d4b0&id=0e9b713521
· Call our Truro office at (902) 896-0277
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