New ATTTA Member: Monica Winkel

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Introducing a new member of ATTTA! Monica Winkel joined the team as Apiculturist this week and is looking forward to supporting the Atlantic honey bee industry. If you are interested in learning a bit about her, keep reading below for her full introduction. 

This week's blog highlights some important reminders for AGMs, general beekeeping, beekeeper registration and association membership renewals. Links are provided throughout the blog for easy access to further information for each province and association.

New ATTTA Member: Monica Winkel



The Nova Scotia Beekeepers Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting from February 19th to 20th.  The meeting will take place virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. Make sure to keep an eye out for the agenda release and registration details to follow in the upcoming weeks. Information can be found on the NSBA website.

The PEI Federation of Agriculture will be holding their Annual General Meeting on January 29th. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting will take place virtually. The meeting agenda and virtual access link can be found on the PEIFA website.

The New Brunswick Beekeepers Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting from March 24th through 27th. The meeting will take place virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. Details for the meeting agenda, registration and access will be released in the upcoming weeks. Information will be found on the NBBA website.


Nearing the end of January now, beekeepers in the Atlantic provinces are gearing up for the upcoming season. Now is the time to get your orders in for nucs, packages and queens if you have not already done so. 2021 prices for queens are expected to be in the $35 to $40 range but please check with your local provider to confirm actual prices.


Besides being a legal requirement in most provinces, beekeeper registration is an important piece of the beekeeping industry for many reasons. As a registered beekeeper, you have access to services of provincial honey bee inspectors who can aid in colony health assessments and provide notice of any potential threats to honey bee health that may arise in your province. Beekeeper registration and hive inspections play a key role in identifying and monitoring diseases and allows for proper action to be taken when necessary. Further benefits of beekeeper registration can include eligibility for liability insurance or government assistance programs. Registration requirements vary by region and annual renewal will be according to the timing set by your provincial government. Information and instructions regarding beekeeper registration can be found on provincial government websites and/or beekeeper association websites (listed below).

Association membership renewal

Reminder that membership renewal and application forms are now available on association websites for the 2021 year!  Provincial beekeeper associations are a fantastic resource for beekeepers of all experience levels. These associations are in place to support beekeeping in their province and offer benefits to their members. Some member benefits include keeping up to date with beekeeping information specific to your province, field days and learning opportunities, inclusion in conventions and AGMs, and networking opportunities to connect with other beekeepers in your region. Association-specific member benefits can be found on provincial beekeeper association websites (listed below).  

Connecting with ATTTA Specialists

If you’d like to connect with ATTTA specialists or learn more about our program, you can: