CFIA Tightens Up on Importation of Honey

Thursday, 28 January 2021

This week's blog covers an important update for beekeepers that import honey into Canada. The CFIA is making some changes to the procedure of declaring food import licenses on import transactions. This is good news as it will ensure that honey being imported into Canada is only coming from importers that are properly licensed to do so. Check out Blog #27 to learn what other recent changes the CFIA has undertaken to protect honey as a quality and authentic commodity in Canada.

ATTTA is now on Twitter! We are excited to announce that we have officially tweeted our first tweet and joined the world of Twitter. Keep reading below to learn what we will be posting about and where to find us. We hope to see you there! 

CFIA Tightens Up on Importation of Honey

Importers of food to Canada are currently required to obtain and hold a Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) license. Soon, there will be some changes for importers of the following commodities: meat, fish, dairy, eggs, processed eggs, processed fruits or vegetables, honey, maple and fresh fruits or vegetables. These changes are in response to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) review of food import transactions. Throughout their review, they noticed that many import declarations failed to properly state the associated SFC license number. By mid-March, import transactions that fail to properly declare the required license information will not be accepted by Canada.

Beginning on March 15th 2021, transactions for importing honey will require importers to enter a valid SFC license in the Integrated Import Declaration (IID). This must be done prior to presenting an import shipment at the border and all license information must be entered correctly. Failure to do so will result in that transaction’s rejection and the involved commodities may be subject to delays and be held at the border until the issue is resolved and the import transaction is resubmitted successfully.

To ensure a smooth import transaction with these changes, make sure that your SFC license:
  •         is valid and entered correctly
  •         covers the food commodity involved
  •         covers the activity of “Importing Food”
Again, failure to meet import transaction requirements will result in transaction rejection. More information for a smooth transaction and a list of possible reject messages, reasons for rejections and corrective actions is provided on the CFIA website.

SFC license information can be reviewed using the My CFIA portal.

For information regarding application for or amendment of your SFC license, please refer to the CFIA’s Food licenses page or contact the CFIA Centre of Administration at 1-800-442-2342.

Announcing our arrival on Twitter

ATTTA is excited to announce that we are now on Twitter, so if you are a ‘tweeter’ yourself or if you know any other ‘bee-tweeters’, we would love for you to follow us!  Tweets will include updates on what ATTTA has been up to along with news and current issues related to beekeeping. Although COVID-19 has greatly limited the number of beekeepers we have been able to reach in-person, it has shone a light on other avenues of connection between ATTTA and those that want to stay informed on the honey bee industry in Atlantic Canada. To visit our Twitter page CLICK HERE!

Connecting with ATTTA Specialists

If you’d like to connect with ATTTA specialists or learn more about our program, you can: