On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, we officially welcomed the season of fall with the Autumn Equinox. Across Atlantic Canada beekeepers are busy working to make sure colonies are sent into overwintering in good strength and health to give the bees their best chance of surviving through to the following spring. Over the past couple weeks, we have been focused on the topic of fall feeding in preparation for winter. This week, we get back to the basics and discuss some important aspects of fall varroa mite management.
Apivar is now available at beekeeping
supply stores! There was a delay in shipping, but the product is now back on the
shelves and ready for use. It is not too late to treat! Strips that go in the
end of September come out the beginning of November, leaving enough time to get
hives wrapped before tucking them in for winter. As always, before using Apivar, first confirm that mite levels are above the economic threshold for
using a synthetic chemical treatment (fall: 2 mites/100 bees).
If you have not already been following the excellent podcast series, The Wild View on Blueberries, check it out. This podcast, created by blueberry specialist Hugh Lyu, is of interest to anyone involved in wild blueberry production and pollination! Available anywhere you download your podcasts or through the link: https://www.perennia.ca/portfolio-items/wild-blueberries/
Happy Fall: Time to Get Out the Mite Sampling Jars
Varroa mite control is one of the most important parts of honey bee colony management, especially during autumn when beekeepers are preparing hives for winter. In the fall, as brood rearing decreases, the population of varroa mites in a hive appears to increase. However, this apparent increase is because the colony is producing less brood which leaves less active brood cells available for mites to reside and reproduce in. This forces the mites in the colony to shift from brood cells onto adult bees, making them more likely to be subject to a round of mite treatment. Thanks to this shift, fall presents an opportune time for more direct and intentional varroa mite management.
A proper varroa mite sample gives the beekeeper an accurate representation
of the current infestation level of varroa mites in a particular hive. This sampling indicates whether treatment is warranted. Since
mites move from brood cells to adult bees in the fall, the bees working on
brood frames are most likely to act as hosts for mites and are therefore the
best candidates for varroa mite samples. For more information on how to
properly sample for varroa mites, see ATTTA’s “Summer Disease and Pest Monitoring in Honey Bees” factsheet.
Since there is a larger proportion of mites on adult bees in
the fall, the economic threshold for treating mites with a synthetic chemical is
higher in the late summer/early fall compared to late spring/early summer (2
mites/100 bees in Aug vs. 1 mite/100 bees in May). If the infestation is above the economic
threshold, treatment is recommended. If the sample is positive but the infestation is
below the economic threshold, perhaps an organic chemical or other approved
non-synthetic chemical treatment may be used. Whatever your decisions are for management of varroa mites, ensure to follow the best practices as outlines for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). For more information on varroa
action options, see ATTTA’s “Varroa Mite Management Options for Atlantic Canada” factsheet.
Perhaps the most important step of varroa mite management is re-testing varroa mite infestation levels after the treatment period. By re-sampling after treating, a beekeeper is able to:
- Determine whether the treatment used was successful
- Get an indication of resistance development in the mite population
- Take immediate, informed, and intentional action as required
Synthetic chemical varroa mite treatments (e.g., Apivar) must be used responsibly.
Mites have developed resistance to synthetic chemical miticides
in the past and many beekeepers suffered significant losses because of it. As an example, one synthetic miticide used to treat varroa mites in Canada, a pyrethroid
fluvalinate branded as Apistan®, was a very popular product that was widely
used with little treatment variation in operations. By 2001, beekeepers from
multiple Canadian provinces found Apistan-resistant mite infestations in their
hives*. As an emergency solution, Canada issued permits to beekeepers for an
organophosphate miticide, coumaphos (Checkmite+®, Bayer), to use for varroa
mite management. However, varroa mites quickly developed resistance to this treatment
product as well, first in Ontario by 2002 and later throughout other regions of Canada*.
Reviewing this significant event in the near past reminds present day beekeepers of the importance of maintaining good
integrated pest management strategies with reliable cultural and physical
controls, and not repeatedly relying on one treatment
application, especially those to which pests are capable of developing
*Currie, Robert W., Stephen F. Pernal, and Ernesto
Guzmán-Novoa. “Honey Bee Colony Losses in Canada.” Journal of Apicultural
Research 49.1 (2010): 104-06.
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