This week, we will pick up our discussion from last week’s
blog by preparing our Langstroth frame to hold foundation. Foundation is important
as it ensure that bees draw comb within the frames and reduces the amount of
drone comb production. This means a more
productive hive with a greater number of worker bees and frames which can
easily be removed for inspection. We are using wax foundation in our frame, so we
will start today by adding wire support!
Wiring Frames
As always, we will begin by gathering our materials. We have our frame from last week, a sheet of wax foundation, a homemade wooden frame jig, frame wire, eyelets, ¾ inch nails, a loaded brad stapler, hammer, and optional needle nose pliers and razor blade. We also have a larger nail to take the place of an eyelet punch.
Start by adding one eyelet to the
outward facing side of each of the holes in the sidebars and securing them into
place. This can be done simply by pressing them in with an eyelet punch, or, if
you have misplaced your punch, use the head of an upside-down nail and a hammer.
Eyelets protect your wood from the wire that runs through the holes.
Now you can place your frame on the jig. A jig is a useful tool for securing the frame as you tighten the wire, although frames can be wired without one. First, add two nails which will secure the ends of the wire. One nail can be positioned just below the bottom hole of the side bar and the other can be positioned just above the top hole.
Feed the wire, directly from the spool, through the top hole of your frame. Draw it horizontally across and through the opposing hole, then down, through the next hole, and across again. Follow this pattern through to the final hole where the end of your wire will end up next to the bottom nail. A jig will likely have pieces to loop your wire around as you move down each level.
Now your frame is ready for a sheet of wax. In next week’s blog, we will add the foundation, embed the wires, and discuss some good reasons to keep your comb fresh!
Job Opportunities
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research assistant to assist in our field work this season! Click
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