Sometimes free things can be costly, as may be the case with a honey bee swarm. With swarm season upon us, it is a good time to consider what to do if you spot a swarm that isn’t from your apiary. Swarms, brought into your apiary, may present a risk for the rest of your bees. This week’s blog is on catching ‘free’ swarms and the biosecurity measures that should be considered when doing so.
Swarm Biosecurity
For honey bees, swarming is a natural
reproductive process but there are also other reasons for a colony to leave a
hive. In absconding, there could be an attempt to ensure the colonies health through reducing disease or pest pressure by leaving behind mites, bacteria, or fungus
and relocating to a new fresh home. If a colony swarms due to hive congestion, the
mother colony may still be infected. So when we find a swarm there is no
immediate indication of the disease status or reason for the bees relocating. Vertical
transmission of pathogens may occur between the colonies and spread to another apiary. When a diseased or pest-ridden swarm is relocated
within or near an apiary, it has the potential to impact on the health of all
the colonies in that yard.
Honey bee swarm on a tree branch (Photo: Tim Howell, South Carolina Blackwater Beekeepers Association)
Where possible, understanding the background
on a swarm will help identify the level of danger but usually very little information
is available. A best management practice would be to assume that a caught swarm
presents a high biosecurity risk and the colony should be quarantined. A
quarantined area should be far enough away from other apiaries to prevent
robbing and drifting. Equipment from quarantined hives should not be immediately
used in other hives. All hive tools should also be disinfected by torching
after working in quarantined hives.
The honeybees in the quarantined swarm can
be inspected and tested for certain pests and diseases. Varroa mite testing can
be done on site by using an ether roll, alcohol wash, or sticky board. Methods
for testing and economic thresholds can be found in the Summer
Disease and Pest Monitoring factsheet by ATTTA. Samples of adult bees can
also be tested for Nosema. Atlantic beekeepers are welcome to send samples to ATTTA for nosema diagnosis! Once brood production begins inspection
for diseases, such as American and European foulbrood should be undertaken.
Swarms from unknown sources can be more
damaging, and costly, to your apiary than beneficial. With best management
practices, such as monitoring, testing, and quarantining, the risks that come
with collecting swarms can be reduced. Also, using best management practices can
help reduce swarming, and the potential spread of pests and diseases to
neighboring apiaries.
Written by John MacDonald, ATTTA Seasonal Apiculturist
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